An Anniversary, and a restart

This month my 3rd anniversary at Microsoft (start date was October 15th, 2012). Three years working for a company I believe in, focused on a topic I’m passionate about (cloud), and working with many great partners and fellow geeks along the way. Its been a great experience and one I hope till continue for some time to come. I’ve been able to explore new opportunities and stretch myself a bit. This has sometimes proven successful, sometimes not. But as with all things, I learned a lot.

One thing that has suffered, is this blog. Its been almost 8 months since my last post. Part of this been due to “the demands of the service” and part has been a lack of me feeling I really had anything to share. I was learning, but it was mostly focused on skills I hadn’t previously picked up (JavaScript, AngularJS, DocDB, etc…). In these, I wasn’t sure I really had much to contribute. So I focused on the partners/projects in front of me and let the “evangelism” side of my job slide a bit. I haven’t even been doing much speaking.

This month, I intend to start changing this. To get back to my desire to help others and “spread the word”. All this while I help the partners I’m assigned to and my colleagues. Back on July 1st, I moved to the Commercial ISV team. This means that I have a portfolio of partners I’m focused on (4 large software vendors that are focused on providing solutions that in some way serve local, state, or federal government). I’m also focused on Windows 10 UWP, Office 365, and of course Microsoft Azure. What you can expect to see from me over the course of the next few months are topics like the Azure Resource Monitor, Windows 10 UWP with Cortana and Azure Services integration (really keen to play with the new Azure AD B2C stuff), Windows containers, and Media streaming. IOT may also come up, but despite it being such a key industry focus, isn’t high on my list. If things to really well, I may even have some Hololens stuff to share by next summer. crossingfingers

That’s really all I have to say for the moment. But look for more soon (already working on a posts around DocDB and Azure SQL DB performance analysis w/ Power BI). Meanwhile, look for me on the twitters and let me know if there’s something you’re interested in hearing more about. Otherwise, I’ll be up-skilling and prepping to pass the Azure Architecture exam.

Until next time!




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